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portlander threading/prompts

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ooc praise/ffa. [03 Sep 2017|07:32pm]
with the summer coming to an end, we just wanted to say a sincere thank you to all of you members keeping the community vital and fun. since opening as ~ripcity, we've gone through a name change, mod changes, and more IJ issues than we wish to remember. we've made it over half a year, which is impressive after having maybe 20 members after the great IJ death of february/march. so we wanted to do a different sort of praise post: one where no one had to worry about being late.

we're going to comment with every member's name and username. (please bear with us while we do since you can't post in communities privately.) compliment someone, ask a question, feel free to say what you can or can't IC! use your own name to thank people if you'd like. we're going to allow anonymous for now in the hopes that people have learned their lesson about bullying, but know that those comments are screened. play nice, have fun, spread some love!
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prompt post #1: ic prompts. [16 Apr 2017|08:56pm]
we're going to try something a bit different with some writing prompts! each sunday we're going to post a list of prompts or one-line-starters here in [info]unipiper. this is an opportunity to interact with anyone in the community, so don't be shy! we can all figure out the details together while having fun writing and developing new connections.

if you're interested in participating, please comment on this post to let other people know. other members of the game can then select a prompt from the post and submit it to the screened post in your journal or reply directly to your comment if they want to be brave. feel free to come back and say when you've received a prompt if you don't want too many.

for an in character prompt, you can start a thread with the person who submitted it or write a narrative (of any length) based on it.
for an ooc prompt, answer the prompt in as much or as little detail as you like.

quick notes:
- the prompts will alternate between in character and out of character each week, giving you two weeks to work with what you're given on each.
- participation is NOT mandatory.
- anything that results from these prompts does NOT have to be shared with the community, but can be if you so desire.
- posting a prompt or question on someone's journal does NOT mean they're required to answer or fill it. what people respond to will be up to their own discretion.
- go wild with this. write something within the universe of this game or write something completely outside of it. backstories, future possibilities, alternate timelines or universes are all welcome! we want to encourage creative thought and freedom with this!

please let us know if you have ANY questions.

prompts for the week of 4.16 )
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